For each publication site it is possible to define 3 parameters:
1) the exchange rate, valid for all sites that do not use the euro as their currency
2) the percentage increase compared to the price published on your ecommerce site
3) additional amount in local currency that will be added to the sale price published on your
The price calculation published on the site will be:
price on your site x (1) + (2)% + (3).
For example, if for a site we have defined an exchange rate of 1.13, an increase of 5% and an additional amount of 12.34, the price of an item that has a price of 10.00 euros on your site will be:
(10 x 1.3) + 5% + 12.34 = 25.99
For each site it is possible to define the three parameters separately.
If a site has not been activated, it is not possible to enter data for the calculation. On the contrary, if a site is deactivated, any data for the calculation are kept in memory and displayed, but it is not possible to modify them.
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