XDM.IT is a powerful publishing system dedicated to ecommerce professionals. To be able to use it at its best, it is useful to know
the operating philosophy of the system. Below you will find notes on operation and some tips to avoid problems in the publication.
The system was designed and built to allow anyone to sell their items on international sites. Publishing is completely automatic. You just need to waste an hour at the beginning to configure
the system according to your needs. Then you just have to think about placing the items on your Woocommerce and preparing the packages to be sent!
Suggestions for inserting objects
As some sites limit the length of the title to 80 characters, it is suggested to always use a maximum of 80 characters, in order to avoid that in case of excess the title is cut.
Try to use only letters, numbers, spaces, commas and periods because special characters like "°", "& euro;", etc. may not be supported by all sites. Also, some sites only accept 80 characters and special characters like "°" or "& euro;" need 4 characters
to be displayed, it may happen that one or more of these characters exceed 80 and in this case the system would not be able to publish the object as the title has characters that cannot be displayed.
Items Listing
The system checks every 5 minutes if a new object has been inserted. If it finds any items entered, it publishes it. The publication process foresees the eventual translation of the texts from Italian.
If automatic translation is not enabled, the object will be inserted taking title and text as it was inserted on Woocommerce.
For the calculation of the price it is possible to use 3 parameters:
1) Exchange rate (valid for sites that use a currency other than the euro)
2) Percentage of price increase on woocommerce (possibly modified with the exchange rate)
3) Fixed amount in local currency to add
This allows you to better manage prices on more or less competitive markets
Particular attention must be paid to managing the quantity. When a new object is published, the system handles the quantity differently
if you find only one piece available or several pieces. If you find only one piece available, consider the item as a unique piece. Otherwise it treats it as an article
"continuous". This distinction is important because the behavior in the event of a sale will be different. Let's take a practical example:
Single item (published with quantity 1): when sold, it is deleted from all sites.
Continuous item (published with quantities greater than 1): when sold, availability is changed on all sites.
When the object reaches the availability of 1, an alert is sent via email. At this point the availability on your Woocommerce must be updated to a quantity greater than 1.
It is very important to know that if the quantity goes to zero for this type of object, the object is deleted directly from the sites. If and when you put it back on yours
Woocommerce a quantity greater than 0, the item will be republished. But now the object will have a new ID on each site and the users who eventually put it in
remark I forgive it, because the ID of the object has changed. There is no way to change the object ID as it is assigned directly by each site's
Note: eBay calculates the number of items present by adding up the stocks. So an item with stock 10 counts as 10 items. This can lead to problems with the monthly free entry limit included in the
monthly pack of 10,000 items. For this reason, quantity 1 is always placed on eBay and managed based on total availability. For example, if an item has 4 availability and 1 piece is sold on Delcampe, the quantity will be changed to 3 on your Woocommerce, same on
Hipstamp and Delcampe, while on eBay it will remain at 1.
Items Update
When a change is made to an object, the system updates the data on all publishing sites within 5 minutes of the change being made.
Change management has two options:
1) Update of quantity and price
2) Total update
It is suggested to use option 1) because:
We must also consider that every time an order arrives on Woocommerce and every time the quantity is updated (because for example an order has arrived on an external site), Woocomerce sends an object update notification and our system connects to update data on all sites. If the update is enabled complete, the translation into English, French and German (if enabled) will be redone with every change in quantity, with an increase in costs. In addition, the photos will also be reposted, which are usually in high resolution and therefore "heavy". An object with 2 photos of 1MB each published on 5 sites generates a traffic of 10 MB. 100 items are 1GB. So who has a hosting with not unlimited bandwidth (but the bandwidth is NEVER unlimited: when a site consumes too much, the bandwidth is restricted and the transmission / reception of data takes longer) could lead to an increase in costs.
Once all the operating parameters have been configured, the objects present on Woocommerce can be published.
It is essential that the excel file has been imported with the data relating to the correspondence of your categories with those of the sites where you want to publish the objects.
The initial posting cannot be done from your panel as it could involve several hours of use and an accidental disconnection of your computer would block the process.
Additionally, some sites have a very strict number of calls per hour policy. For this reason, once you have configured everything and entered all the access keys for the various sites, you must send us a message for the initial publication request.
The service is carried out free of charge. Once the publication is complete, you will receive an email message. In case of problems you will always be contacted by email.
Note: Delcampe has a policy according to which a maximum of 10,000 objects can be published per day. For this reason, if you have more than 10,000 items, we will publish in blocks of 9,500 per day.
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