Listing on eBid

Return Policy
You need to create a custom policy (which will have the identification code 3 - automatically assigned by eBid). To do this, once logged into eBid, from the My Options menu select My Defaults and then the My Return Policy Defaults tab

Shipping Policy
The shipping parameters must be configured on From the Listing menu, select eBid and then Shipping Policy

From here we must indicate the shipping method and any cost for domestic and international shipping. Also we must indicate the type of packaging and the average weight.
Note: Using free shipping allows more sales

Publishing on the Store
Optionally, you can also publish your items in your eBid shop. To do this you need to create the shop on eBid and indicate a category and a subcategory for publishing objects. There is no correspondence between ecommerce categories and categories on the eBid store therefore it is suggested to create only one category and one subcategory only. For example, category "Stamps" and subcategory "Stamps from the world". The creation of the shop and the category and subcategory must be done before starting the publication of the objects, otherwise the objects already published will not be visible in the shop.
